Alsatian Restaurant «Winstub» in Eguisheim, Alsace

Alsatian Cuisine & Atmosphere

You will appreciate this warm and typical restaurant and enjoy the traditional specialities from Olivier WOLFF, the Chef.

A place to taste fine wines from our bests wineyards…

We also organize Banquets – Family celebrations – New Year Meal…

– Holiday vouchers are accepted.
– The restaurant is accessible for people with reduced mobility.


Some specialities :

* Crunchy Munster with green Salad,

* Cold Pâté en Croute and its Crudités,


* Frog’s Legs with Riesling Sauce,
* Coarse Salt Beef with Crudités and Potato Salad
* Warm Calf Haed with french Dressing,
* Foot and Cheek from Pig with Red Wine Sauce,
* “Auberge” Sauerkraut,
* Stew (Pork, Beef and Lamb with Patatoes and Vegetables cooked in white wine,


* Vacherin,
* Ice Cream “Berawecka” with Fleur de Bière.


In addition, Olivier propose daily suggestions.